The CAPE Solution combines Creative, Analytical and Practical Intelligence. As the team creates a solution, we ensure the essential composition of intelligences are applied to effectively accomplish important objectives. CAPE uses these effective distinctions and their balance to provide an Elegant Technology Solution. The solution may not require a traditional, analytically based software technology to solve the problem. The Elegant Solution may be the practical application of a very simple, "off the shelf" solution, creatively used in a practical manner – another definition of "technology". The answer is not always a better mousetrap, sometimes the answer is an innovative way to use an existing mousetrap. This provides the best value for the customer.
CAPE Technology Solutions is a team and solution building formula based on Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory of Successful Intelligence, which is the combination of Analytical, Creative, and Practical Intelligences. CAPE unites individuals with varying degrees of different Intelligences to synthesize innovative solutions to problems that one person or one type of intelligence may fail to solve as elegantly, if acting independently.